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News Central

Wife of SA’s first coronavirus patient also has virus

By : Kofi Kafui Sampson on 09 Mar 2020, 10:47


The wife of South Africa’s first coronavirus patient has also tested positive, bringing to three the number of cases detected in the country, the health ministry says.

The couple had visited Italy as part of a group of 10. Their two children had tested negative.

The woman’s 39-year-old husband was diagnosed with the coronavirus on Thursday.

On Sunday, Health Minister Zweli Mkize said he spoke to him.

“He was upbeat and jovial,” Mr Mkihize added.

On Saturday, a 39-year-old woman who returned with the group from Italy was also diagnosed with the coronavirus.

“We expect the results of the other six group members who had travelled to Italy within the next 48 hours,” the ministry said in a statement.

Africa now has more than 30 cases of the coronavirus.

Algeria is worst-affected, with 17 cases – 16 of them in one family.
