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We didn’t force retirees to sign acceptance forms for benefits – SSNIT

By : cd on 22 Mar 2021, 12:10     |     Source: citinewsroom


The management of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), has downplayed allegations by the Civil and Local Government Staff Association of Ghana (CLOGSAG) that retirees are being forced to sign an acceptance form for their benefits.

CLOGSAG had accused SSNIT of acting unprofessionally regarding an ongoing negotiation on the payment of past credits to retirees.

CLOGSAG explained that SSNIT was side-stepping the procedures by asking retirees to sign acceptance forms when the committee set up to negotiate past credits is yet to agree on the annual percentage increment on retirement benefits.

It further asked its members not to sign any form on their pension claims.
But in a statement, SSNIT indicated that the claims by CLOGSSAG are inaccurate.

It further assured all contributors and pensioners that it will at all times pay their benefits accurately and promptly as has always been done.

It also admonished members, pensioners, organized labour and anyone who may have any grievance to contact its management for redress.