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Ghanaian Politics

Transfer of votes: EC and NPP want to use the agents ban to rig the 2024 elections – Mahama

By : cd on 04 Jun 2024, 04:00     |     Source: christian ahorgah

John Mahama

John Dramani Mahama, the National Democratic Congress’s (NDC) flagbearer, has blasted the Electoral Commission’s (EC) decision to forbid party representatives from observing the current vote transfer process.

In a Facebook post, Mahama stated that there is only one possible explanation for the EC’s decision: a plot to rig the general elections on December 7 by working with the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP).


“The Electoral Commission’s decision not to allow agents of political parties to observe the ongoing voter transfer exercise points to only one reason— the EC’s avowed determination to aid the ruling NPP in stealing the outcome of the 2024 elections.”

The Electoral Commission ordered on Sunday, June 2, in a note to its district officers, that political party operatives should not be permitted entry because of the violent altercations at certain transfer centers.

In his Facebook post, Mahama disregarded an IPAC ruling, claiming that the unsanctioned decision between the two entities will fail, and instead claimed that the NPP and its leadership are well aware that the NDC will win the upcoming general elections. For this reason, they have formed an unholy alliance with the EC.

“I am not surprised that the NPP and the EC quickly reversed a collective decision taken at an IPAC meeting last week to have political party agents present at the district offices for the transfer exercise.”

“The NPP knows and internally admits that it will lose the 2024 presidential elections. We also know that, as a last resort, it seeks to deploy gerrymandering during this voter transfer period to improve its chances in the parliamentary elections in the erroneous belief that it may rely on that to affect its presidential votes.”

In addition, he claimed that the NPP was trying to transfer votes from a list of constituencies in the Ashanti and Eastern Regions to counterbalance the NDC’s advances.

“We have in our possession a long list of constituencies in the Ashanti and Eastern Regions and selected places in Greater Accra and other regions where the NPP is seeking to transfer thousands of voters from their strongholds to offset the NDC’s gains in constituencies we control.”