Over 40 multinational companies have expressed interest in investing in the alumina and bauxite industry in Ghana.
So far, the companies are being taken through the selection processes to develop various aspects of the aluminium value chain.
The Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana integrated Aluminum Development Corporation, Michael Ansah said this on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme, Thursday.
He said the selection process was expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2020 and the successful bidders announced in April 2020.
“The investors are interested in mining, refining and smelting and that is the basis for which we are progressing,” he noted.
Mr Ansah stressed that their focus is to ensure that Ghana gets the best out of the aluminium industry, with at least a 30 per cent stake in any new mine, refinery or smelter entity.
Source: Adomonline.com