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Ghanaian Politics

Next NDC Govt will discontinue the payment of utility bills, fuel, DSTV, others – Mahama

By : cd on 29 May 2024, 02:30     |     Source: christian ahorgah

John Mahama

Should he win the presidency in December’s elections, National Democratic Congress (NDC) presidential candidate John Dramani Mahama has pledged to end the supply of free fuel and other perks that are deemed unnecessary for public servants.

The former president announced cost-cutting measures his administration would take to preserve the economy during a meeting with the EU Ambassador to Ghana. These included doing away with free DSTV subscriptions, utility bill payments, and gasoline allowances for government employees.

The leader of the NDC emphasized that these benefits should be stopped because they put a strain on the budget.

He continued by saying that public servants ought to pay for these services on the same terms as regular people.

“We will discontinue the payment of utility bills, fuel, DSTV, etc. as conditions of service for top government officials, directors, and the political class. We believe that people should take up paying their own electricity bills and water bills like every other Ghanaian does.

“Unless you are using a government vehicle or on government assignment, you should buy your fuel if you are using your own car. And so we are going to discontinue that.”