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NDC’s Central Regional Comm. Director in court for alleged incest

By : cd on 11 Oct 2021, 11:49     |     Source: dailyguide

The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) Central Regional Communications Director, Emmanuel Kwesi Dawood, is in hot waters for allegedly having sex with his own underage daughter.

Dawood has allegedly been having sexual intercourse with his biological daughter since 2019 when the victim was 15 years, and in the course of the beastly act, the girl became pregnant.

He then allegedly got his friend to administer an injection to terminate the pregnancy last year, and according to the victim, she bled for more than two weeks.

The girl has claimed that Dawood beat her up when he got to know she had informed her mother about the father’s incestuous act, an incident that ended at the Swedru Divisional Police Command.

When the case was sent to the Cape Coast Circuit Court 1 presided over by Her Honour Dorinda Arthur-Smith on September 28, 2021, Dawood alongside one Dr. Arthur Mensah who allegedly administered the injection were charged with only conspiracy and assault.

Officer’s Efforts

However, the victim’s mother, Mavis Ayittey said she realised that Dawood has some sort of influence on some of the police officers at the Swedru Divisional Police Command and as a result, were messing up the case, so she reported to the Central Regional Police Commander, COP Kwadwo Antwi Tabi.

The Central Regional Police Commander, after getting to know the facts of the case, directed the police to withdraw the matter and file the appropriate charges against the suspects.

They are due in court on Wednesday, October 13, and according to sources, Dawood will be charged with conspiracy to commit crime, defilement, incest and illegal abortion.

Dawood is reportedly walking free now because of the directive to withdraw the initial case and file the appropriate charges.

Medical records from the Swedru Municipal Hospital indicate the victim was brought there for assessment and the assailant was recorded as ‘biological father’.

On the forms, she was examined by Dr. Emmanuel Afful, with Helena Nyarko as the nurse.

Main Victim

The victim has been limping since the incident, and has vowed to seek justice, saying “it has been haunting me.”

“He made me go for an abortion. He started having sex with me in 2019. The last time he had sex with me was June 2021.

“He was NADMO Coordinator and is the current NDC Regional Communications Officer. He did not look after me. My mother was not happy for me to leave her and go and stay with him.

“He promised to send me abroad to further my education and warned that if I reveal the act to anybody he was going to end the plans to send me outside for my education.”

In 2020 when I completed my SHS, my menstrual cycle ceased and when I complained to him, he said it was nothing. In October 2020, he directed me to his friend’s house and the friend brought a needle and injected me with something on the instructions of my father. I bled for two weeks after the injection. I told my father about it and he said it was because of the injection and that nothing was going to happen to me.”

“He told me he loved my mother and once she is no more marrying her, he was going to replace me with her. The same day he told me this, he forcibly had sex with me. Anytime he wants to have sex with me, he will send all the kids in the house out to enable him do it.

“He threatened me severally not to reveal it to anyone otherwise he was going to destroy my life. I feared him so I did not tell anybody.”

Agitated Mother

The mother of the victim claimed that “NDC officials have been coming to us to plead for him but I have made it clear that it is a criminal case and he has to face the full rigours of the law. My daughter has been in distress and has said she needs nothing but justice.”

He is always threatening us in spite of getting NDC officials to come and beg us to stop following the case.

The mother claimed that “he impregnated me when I was in the first year in secondary school. He is doing the same thing to our own daughter. I do not know if he was brought into this world to destroy our lives,” adding “he abandoned me after the pregnancy and never saw him until my daughter grew up and he came for her and started having sex with her.”

IGP Intervention

She said, “I am pleading with the IGP to take this case up. I don’t trust the police in Swedru because some of them appear to be helping Dawood to escape justice. It was the Regional Commander who stepped into the case and is ensuring the right thing is done.

“I petitioned the authorities because I have realized that a good number of the police officers at the Divisional Command in Swedru are too close to Dawood so they are dragging their feet on the matter. They want to make it a foolish case but we shall fight for justice.

“He is right here in Swedru but the police are saying strangely that they cannot find him.”