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Ghanaian Politics

NDC expels Allotey Jacobs

By : cd on 23 Mar 2021, 11:14     |     Source: classfmonline

Allotey Jacobs

The main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has expelled its former Central Regional Chairman, Mr Bernard Allotey Jacobs for “anti-party’ behaviour.

The decision was a recommendation of the Functional Executive Committee of the party.

Mr Allotey Jacobs has been on suspension for several months.

A few weeks ago, he came out to say he was no longer part of the NDC.

A letter communicating his expulsion, said: “At our meeting on Wednesday, 17 March, the Functional Executive Committee of the NDC considered the report and recommendations of the Disciplinary Committee on the case or misconduct and anti-party behaviour brought against you, Mr Allotey Jacobs, pursuant to article 48(1) (b) and 8 (b) of the NDC Constitution”.

“The Committee’s report, which is herein attached for your attention, found you guilty of the said allegations of misconduct, anti-party conduct and recommended, among other things, your immediate expulsion from the party,” the letter signed by General Secretary Johnson Asiedu Nketia said.

It added: “The Functional Executive Committee acting in compliance of article 48(1) of the NDC Constitution has unanimously adopted the report and accepts fully its recommendation for your expulsion from the party”.

“You are, therefore, by the decision of FEC been expelled from the National Democratic Congress and, for that matter, no more recognized as a member of the party and cannot carry yourself as such”, the letter added.

It noted: “You are by this letter and, pursuant to article 48(10), directed to return any party properties that may be in your custody and shall forfeit any money, dues or subscription fees made to the party”.