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Lower Manya Krobo residents march to kick against ECG’s prepaid meters

By : cd on 16 Jun 2022, 09:13     |     Source: citinewsroom

ECG Meter

Hundreds of youth groups from five communities in the Lower Manya Krobo Municipality on Thursday hit the streets to register their displeasure with the ongoing installation of prepaid meters by the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG).

Their agitation comes after the ECG on Tuesday started a mass installation of prepaid meters with the help of some military and police personnel as part of a roadmap to improve revenue of the company in the Krobo enclave after a misunderstanding between residents and the power distribution company over alleged over-billing.

The youth groups were from Kpong, Agormanya, Nuaso, Abom and Manya Kpongunor.

The ECG started the installation of prepaid meters on a pilot basis a few months ago but started the mass exercise on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, at Lorlornyo a suburb of Kpong, with support from the military.

Even though the team is yet to get to the Nuaso and Kpongunor areas, the youth groups there are increasingly growing impatient over the exercise.

The spontaneous nature with which the youth groups came onto the streets forced military and police personnel to set a barrier close to the Nuaso office of the ECG to prevent the youth group from getting access to that stretch of the road.

The youth groups have said they are ready to go to any length to resist the installation of prepaid meters in their area.