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Ghanaian Politics

Judges to drag Sosu to General Legal Council over ‘political judges’ comment

By : cd on 16 Feb 2022, 05:21     |     Source: citinewsroom

Francis Xavier

The Association of Magistrates and Judges of Ghana has served notice of its intention of lodging a formal complaint against a private legal practitioner, Francis Xavier-Sosu at the General Legal Council over some comments he made against the country’s judiciary.

Xavier-Sosu had in an earlier interview accused some judges of taking entrenched political positions in the discharge of their duties.

“If you make yourself a political judge, you will be treated politically and your tenure of office will run with the political party that you follow”

According to the Association of Magistrates, the remark by the legislator, who doubles as a legal practitioner, is reckless and must be condemned.

“The Association finds this statement of Honorable Sosu against judges as unfortunate, reckless, and misguided, coming as it is from a Member of Parliament and a lawyer who should know better.”

The association further said it would petition the Ghana Legal Council over the issue.

“Having regards to the seriousness which the AMJG takes the statement and its potential to do undue damage to the judiciary, the Association is lodging a formal complaint against the Honorable Sosu to the General Legal Council immediately for his unprofessional statements and utterances which have the potential to tarnish the image of the judiciary as a whole. ”

The Ghana Bar Association (GBA) early on reacted to the statement by the MP describing it as very unprofessional, and unwarranted.

“The GBA takes a very dim view of the unprofessional conduct of Francis Xavier-Sosu Esq, and deems the same as an unwarranted, unnecessary, and unjustified attack on judges. This unwarranted and unnecessary attack on judges has a propensity of creating dissatisfaction and ill-will for judges.”

The Madina MP, Francis-Xavier Sosu, in response accused the leadership of the Ghana Bar Association of being politically biased.

In a statement, Mr. Sosu said the association has been “a monumental failure to our democracy.”