The amount, provided under the supervision of the European Union is aimed at giving financial assistance to a number of Ghanaian farmers in rural communities.
Speaking at a forum on the theme: “Civil society organizations in Sustainable Development Programme,” a Deputy Minister for Finance, Charles Adu Boahen, was hopeful the project will lift poor farmers out of poverty.
“This particular program is targeting rural communities in the Northern Savannah and Northern part of Brong Ahafo and Volta Region, as well as the Coastal Savannah. Under this program, four CSOs are being supported with a total amount of €7.2 million.”
These CSOs are the Cerath Development Organisation, Centre for Local Government Advocacy, Action Aid Ghana and Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud.
The target result areas are the development of technologies, economic activities and sector policies coherent to principles of sustainable agriculture and decent work in 20 districts of the Savannah Ecosystem of Ghana.
There’s also access and quality of service delivery related to social protection and employment, as well as decent work opportunities in the field of sustainable agriculture and green economy.
EU Ambassador to Ghana, Diana Acconcia, says Ghana’s agriculture sector has the potential to lift a vast majority of Ghanaians out of poverty.
“Ghana’s agriculture and fisheries sectors offer great opportunities to lift rural communities out of poverty. This can be done in a way that prevents climate change and protects the environment. This project will promote sustainable businesses and improve the quality of life for the communities”.
Source: Citinewsroom.com