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Business & Finance

Gold jewelers in Ghana to soon experience improvement in sector

By : Kofi Kafui Sampson on 11 Sep 2019, 12:11

Gold Jewelry

Gold jewelers in Ghana are expected to see a massive improvement in the sector if promise by the Minerals Commission and the government of Ghana to diversify the sector is anything to go by.

In a statement read on behalf of the Board Chairman of the Minerals Commission, SK Boafo noted that the sector has been facing major challenges including limited access to gold from the mining industries, lack of capital equipment and technology by producers and the high cost of credit, coupled with the effect on pricing of gold products for export.

Speaking at the launch of the 2019 Gold Statement Conference, the Board Chairman revealed that the country produced 4,944,069.46 of gold in 2018.

SK Boafo explained that out of the numbers, 2,130,155,66 ounces, representing 43,09% were produced by small scale miners.

He added that almost all the gold produced in that year found its way out of the country in its raw form as a result of the absence of viable gold refinery in the country.

Speaking at the program Mrs Judy Nakuor Crayem called on all stakeholders to ensure that that refineries will get enough gold to produce for the industry.

She further added that the sector seeks to make Ghana the hub of the jewelry industry in West Africa and beyond.

“We are also looking at creating a hub for the jewelry sector. When you find all jewelers, you have a one stop shop to attract all the foreigners we want to attract. Because it’s going to be part of our tourism drive, and because we want to make Ghana the hub of the jewelry industry in west Africa and beyond, we have no choice but to put all the necessary processes in place so that we can do the right thing.

She called on the general public to re-look at the jewelry industry because there has been an improvement in the sector.