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Former Sports Minister Isaac Asiamah returns his official vehicles

By : cd on 24 Jan 2021, 02:37     |     Source: ghanaweb

Isaac Asiamah

Former Minister of Youth and Sports, Isaac Kwame Asiamah, has returned to the Ministry two official vehicles assigned to him during his time as a minister.

According to a notice by the Sports Ministry, the former minister returned the vehicles on Friday, January 22, 2021.

This comes after the minister who doubles as Member of Parliament Atwima Mponua was left out of the list of designated ministers submitted by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to parliament on Thursday.

The president, forming his second-term government has presented his list of nominees to the legislature for vetting, subsequently to be appointed if passed by the House.

Mr Isaac Asiamah was in January 2017 nominated by President Nana Akufo-Addo for the position of Minister of Youth and Sports.

He was tasked with improving sporting disciplines and activities in the country by developing young athletes. The president encouraged him to put in place structures to streamline Ghanaian sports and use it as a platform to project Ghanaian athletes on the world stage.

The former minister is credited with improving sports infrastructure in the country, notably, the construction of astroturf pitches across the country.