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FDA arrests two over fake Covid19 concoctions

By : Kofi Kafui Sampson on 30 Jun 2020, 01:28

Covid 19 drug suspects

The Food and Drugs Authority has detained an unregistered COVID-19 Herbal Products with the assistance of the Police Drug Enforcement Unit of Ghana Police CID.

In a press statement the FDA said it has seized a total of 431 bottles of two unregistered herbal medicines by name COVID-CURE 1 and 2.

The unregistered product manufactured by Dr. Abdellah Herbal Home at Kojo Ashong a village near Amasaman has been falsely labeled to bear a forged registration number FDB/TMP03709 on both products.

The product also has March 2020 and 2021 as their manufacturing and expiry date respectively.

According to the press document signed by the Chief Executive Officer of the FDA, Mrs. Delease A. Darko,  the manufacturing premises after inspection by the FDA show that the products were being manufactured under unhygienic conditions.

The FDA noted that it has not registered such a product under its Authority.

Find the full statement below;


By Mabel Faith Tanor