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Coronavirus: Port officials in Ghana on high alert

By : Kofi Kafui Sampson on 21 Feb 2020, 10:38


The General Manager of Health Service at the Ghana Ports and Harbor Authority (GPHA), Dr V.V Anna-Bisi says her outfit is vigilant at the ports to prevent possible invasion of the country by persons with the coronavirus disease.

The Ports are entry points into the country and a possible route by which persons infected by the diseases could come into the country.

Since the outbreak of the disease in Wuhan, China with its deadly impact, countries have been cautious in order not to spread the virus across the globe.

Over 300 Ghanaians in the Wuhan Province have been trapped with government yet to take a decision to evacuate them even though some other countries have evacuated their citizens.

There are fears any possible outbreak in the country will be difficult or disastrous to manage.

According to World Health Organization announced (WHO) the virus is spreading and every country must be on alert.

There was the global outbreak of a virus called Coronaviruses ‘Covid-19’  which is part of a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).

A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.

Over 1000 people have died in China alone with other countries said to have recorded the virus with reported deaths as well.

There are fears the virus may just spread into Ghana as it has done in other countries, a situation which has led officials in all the country’s entry points to be on high alert.

Dr V.V Anna-Bisi told Cedidollar.com her outfit is on high alert.

“We have sensitized all our staff at the ports to create awareness for people to know what the disease is and how to prevent the disease. The whole exercise was successful, we started from the Fishing harbor to ensure that our fishermen take precautions,” he said.

He said the Fisherman is the target of this sensitization program because they are the main source of transferring the virus to the port since they meet other people overseas.

“These are the fishermen who go out to high seas, they meet different kinds of trailers so they come into personal contact with international waters, so if anyone has this infection they may give it to our local fishermen. That why our focus is more on our fishermen.” he said

He urged fishermen to quickly report to health facilities when they see any unusual symptoms.

He said GPHA will not wait for the outbreak to get the port for it to be backlisted therefore they will ensure that the port is free from any disease.

He further called on the government to collaborate with the GHPA and pay more attention to the ports because is the main point of entry than the airport.

“We want the government to collaborate with us and recognze that the sea port is a major point of entry into the country. So all the attention being given to the airport than the seaport I think they should re-look at it.”

By Mabel Faith Tannor