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Business & Finance

Beauticians witness increased patronage as Gov’t eases COVID-19 restrictions

By : Tetteh Djanmanor on 13 Sep 2020, 01:02

Make up

The COVID-19 pandemic has grounded many businesses globally and forced others to run at half capacity, with millions of people rendered jobless or taking pay cuts. The devastation is without boundaries as almost every sector has taken a hit. In this report, Citi Business News takes a look at how the pandemic-induced restrictions impacted beauticians, and how they’re bouncing back as restrictions are being eased.

The beauty industry relies heavily on social events, ranging from weddings, birthday parties, award ceremonies, funerals, church services and more for clients. As a result, the ban on social gatherings a few months ago had a negative impact on the business.

When Citi Business News visited these beauticians a few months back, it was clear that sales had dropped drastically. Most of the beauticians recorded more than 70% drop in revenue due to negative impact of the pandemic.

The application of makeup and skin products involves close contact between the service provider and the client; a situation that made people uncomfortable patronizing these services.
But months after the President announced further easing of restrictions; business is beginning to pick up.

“We had this customer who used to come to our salon to get made up. She patronizes our services for every little event she has. Be it weddings or parties. But now, we just see her driving by. When you question why she has decided not to come to the salon, her only reason is COVID. However patronage has increased but to as much as it was prior to the pandemic,” Hameedat Awal, a makeup artist told Citi Business News.

“I can confidently say things are better now. It’s far better that the last time you were here. Even my client says she’ll be going for a funeral tomorrow and that’s why she’s here to style her hair. Another may come that she has a wedding tomorrow. I worker yesterday too and someone asked me to make a wig for her. And so in three days, I have been able to make a profit of GHS300,” Ama Serwaa, a hairdresser added.

The service providers say they’re also observing all the COVID-19 protocols to ensure their safety and that of customers.

“Before COVID, after using tools on a clients while the other is waiting we just clean the brushes with wipes and dry it before working with it on the other customer but now its different. We wash is thoroughly with hot water and blow dry it. We also sanitize the combs and other things which need sanitizing. If you come to us to get your makeup done, on our part, we will do our best to keep you safe while you do your best to do same,” assured Hameedat.

For Ama Serwaa, the emergence of COVID-19 changed her approach towards business. She has decided to sell some products to make up for the lost revenue.

“I’ve decided to go into the sale of perming cream and other hair products by the end of this month. I will sell deodorants and perfumes as well. Christmas is fast approaching so I believe sales will pick up. Some people come late in the night to buy perming cream and I can cater for that market. When others come in to style their hair and chance upon the things I sell, they may patronize them.”

Source: Citibusinessnews.com