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Business & Analysis

AngloGold Ashanti Ghana hands over 1.3km asphalted road

By : Tetteh Djanmanor on 06 Mar 2021, 11:36


Mr Simon Osei-Mensah, Ashanti Regional Minister-designate, has lauded AngloGold Ashanti (AGA) Obuasi Mine, for constructing a 1.

3 kilometre stretch of the Obuasi township roads.

The project, he said, would help facilitate socio-economic activities in the mining town, and therefore, entreated the people to take good care of it to prolong its lifespan.

Mr Osei-Mensah, speaking at the inauguration and handing-over of the road project at a ceremony at Obuasi, said the mining town had good development prospects given its rich natural resources.

The construction, fully funded by the company at the cost of one million US Dollars (US$1 million), was executed by Knatto Complex Limited.

It comprised a drainage system and laying of asphalt from Kunka Junction to Shell Filling Station, and the road is expected to serve as a link to neighbouring towns such as Dunkwa, Jacobu and Kumasi.

The project formed part of the AGA’s Social Management Plan to improve the infrastructure architecture of Obuasi.

Mr Osei-Mensah said the government was grateful to the AngloGold Ashanti Obuasi Mine for being worthy partners of development.

The authorities, he said, would continue to collaborate with the management to improve the socio-economic lives of the people, and urged the people to avail themselves of the intervention programmes provided by the company for their wellbeing.

Mr Eric Asubonteng, Managing Director of AGA, said as part of the redevelopment of the Obuasi Mine, AngloGold Ashanti launched the three-year Social Management Plan.

The concept, he noted, aimed at diversifying the local economy as well as improving the infrastructure development of the mining town to ensure host communities were better off.

He indicated that AngolGold Ashanti through positive engagement and development for mutual benefit across all stages of the mine life cycle, focused on contributing to the development of economically, socially and physically-resilient societies.

Mr Asubonteng was hopeful that the project would help improve road safety, availability of pedestrian facilities as well as a reduction in dust pollution.

It would also ease transportation of the people, goods and services as well as boost economic activities in the area.

The AGA Managing Director observed that the project fit well into the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Nine (9) – industry, innovation and infrastructure.

He was optimistic that the collaboration between the Mine and the Obuasi Municipal and Obuasi-East District Assemblies would help build resilient infrastructure within the communities in which the company operated.

Nana Amoanimaa Dede II, the Queen of Adansi, expressed her gratitude to AngloGold Ashanti for thinking about the welfare of commuters of the road.