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Business & Finance

AMA begins central business district revenue mobilisation drive

By : cd on 10 Nov 2021, 03:57     |     Source: classfmonline


The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) has begun a massive revenue collection drive to retrieve debts owed by businesses in the Central Business Districts (CBDs).

Briefing the media before the exercise, the mayor of Accra, Mrs Elizabeth Sackey, warned the staff and revenue collectors against enriching themselves during the process but rather exhibit a high sense of responsibility.

She said the herculean task of the Assembly in ensuring that Accra becomes a modern capital city, revolves around funds, and the non-payment of rent would not auger well for the Assembly.

She disclosed that since the beginning of the year, most businesses had not paid their business operating fees, adding that most of these funds go into sanitation and waste management.

Explaining further, the mayor said the Assembly spent a chunk of its revenue on collecting waste, yet the Assembly was still grabbling with keeping the city clean.

The first-ever female mayor of Accra said the Assembly, again, has the headache of providing good roads, schools and staff development.

she said every step the Assembly takes revolves around its internally generated funds and “if these companies and shops continue to default in the payment of their rental fees, how will the Assembly work?”

She said the fees are fixed in collaboration with the stakeholders and various trade associations in the metropolis.