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FIFA orders Platini FC to pay 1625 Euros fine to Clube da Covilhã

By : cd on 22 Dec 2021, 10:36     |     Source: christian ahorgah


The Disciplinary Committee of FIFA has ordered FC Platini to pay an amount of 1625 Euros plus 5% interest per annum and an additional fine of CHF2000 to Sporting Clube da Covilhã of Portugal within 30 days of notification.

It will be recalled that FIFA placed a transfer ban on the Ashanti Regional based Division Two side, for failing to comply with a decision of FIFA’s Player Status Committee in February last year.

In a decision dated 18 February, 2020, the single judge of the Players’ Status Committee determined that Platini FC has to pay an amount of EUR 16,250 plus interest of 5% p.a. as of 31 January, 2018 to Sporting Clube da Covilhã, Portugal.

The Ghanaian lower tier side has however failed to comply with FIFA’s directive hence the latest decision.


Full Decision:

1. Platini FC is found responsible for failing to comply in full with the FIFA decision rendered on
18 February 2020 (Ref. 19-01742).

2. Platini FC is ordered to pay to Sporting Clube da Covilhã as follows:

• EUR 16,250 plus 5% interest p.a. as of 31 January 2018 until the date of effective

3. Platini FC is granted a final deadline of 30 days as from notification of the present decision
in which to settle said amount. Upon expiry of the aforementioned final deadline and in the
event of persistent default or failure to comply in full with the decision within the period
stipulated, a transfer ban will be pronounced until the complete amount due is paid or the
non-financial decision is complied with.

The transfer ban will be implemented automatically
at national and international level by the Ghana Football Association and FIFA respectively,
without a further formal decision having to be taken nor any order to be issued by the FIFA
Disciplinary Committee or its secretariat. In addition, a deduction of points or relegation to
a lower division may also be ordered in addition to a transfer ban in the event of persistent
failure, repeated offences or serious infringements or if no full transfer could be imposed or
served for any reason.

4. Platini FC is ordered to pay a fine to the amount of CHF 2,000.

5. The fine is to be paid within 30 days of notification of the present decision.


The judicial bodies may decide not to communicate the grounds of a decision and instead communicate
only the terms of the decision. The parties have ten days from receipt of the terms of the decision to
request, in writing, the grounds of the decision, and that failure to do so will result in the decision becoming
final and binding (art. 51 of the FIFA Disciplinary Code).

As a member of FIFA, the Ghana Football Association is reminded of its duty to implement this decision and
provide FIFA with proof that the transfer ban has been implemented at national level. If the Ghana Football
Association does not comply with this decision, the FIFA Disciplinary Committee will decide on appropriate
sanctions on the member. This can lead to an expulsion from FIFA competitions.

The Respondent, Platini FC, is directed to notify the secretariat to the FIFA Disciplinary Committee as well
as the Ghana Football Association of every payment made and to provide the relevant proof of payment.
The Creditor, Sporting Clube da Covilhã, is directed to notify the secretariat to the FIFA Disciplinary
Committee as well as the Ghana Football Association of every payment received.


The transfer ban shall cover all men eleven-a-side teams of the Respondent – first team and youth
categories –. The Respondent shall be able to register new players, either nationally or internationally, only
upon the payment to the Creditor of the total outstanding amount. In particular, the Respondent may not
make use of the exception and the provisional measures stipulated in article 6 of the Regulations on the
Status and Transfer of Players in order to register players at an earlier stage.