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GFA bans Phar Ranger from all associated competitions for five years

By : cd on 01 Jul 2021, 01:04     |     Source: christian ahorgah

Phar Rangers

Division One League club, Phar Rangers have been handed a five-year ban from all Ghana Football Association (GFA) associated competitions.

This was announced after Phar Rangers FC sent a letter addressed to the GFA indicating their withdrawal from all GFA competitions including the Division One Zone 3 League and the FA Cup with immediate effect.

In the said letter, the club also stated they should be considered defunct from henceforth.

The GFA subsequently activated the appropriate provisions in its rules and regulations relating to the matter.

The GFA Prosecutor then drafted a charge sheet in relation to the withdrawal from all competitions by Phar Rangers FC and emailed it to the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee which was served on the club the next day.

Phar Rangers was charged with two counts; Withdrawing from all GFA competitions without just cause after the 2020/21 Division League had started and withdrawing from all GFA’s competitions whilst failing to give satisfactory reason for the withdrawal from the 2021 FA Cup competition.

Phar Rangers consequently, made a U-turn to rescind their earlier decision and withdraw the previous letter. Two letters were also sent by Ghana League Clubs Association (GHALCA) on the subject matter.

Despite the club pleading NOT GUILTY to the charges, the Committee satisfied itself that the evidence adduced before it supports the charge of misconduct against the club for withdrawing from all competitions without just cause and thereby found the club guilty of the charge.

Having found Phar Rangers guilty of withdrawing from the 2020/21 Division League, the Committee hereby imposed the following punishment on the club and its Shareholders and Directors:

  • Phar Rangers FC is hereby suspended from all competitions of the Ghana Football Association for a period of Five (5) years effective this 2020/2021 football season in accordance with Article 13(3) of the Division One League Regulations.
  • Phar Rangers FC shall only be allowed to join the Regional Football Association league upon the return after five season at the lowest league of the region.
  • The Shareholders and Directors of Phar Rangers FC on the records are hereby also banned from all football activities for a period of five (5) years effective from this 2020/2021 football season in accordance with Article 13(3) of the GFA Division One League Regulations.
  • Having suspended Phar Rangers FC from all competitions of the GFA, the Disciplinary Committee hereby furthers orders that the players of the club shall apply and shall be granted free agent status by the Players’ Status Committee of the GFA, free all encumbrances save the conditions attached to the transfers from their previous clubs to Phar Rangers FC.
  • The Disciplinary Committee further orders that the suspension of Phar Rangers FC shall not relieve the club of its financial obligations which have already accrued towards the GFA or any member of the Association.
    The GFA and its Committees are hereby ordered that any match which that Phar Rangers FC is scheduled to play shall be considered forfeited and accordingly three (3) points and three (3) goals shall be awarded in favour of the opposing club.

According to the GFA, the club has three days to appeal the ruling.