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News Central

We have zero casualties since commencing operations – Sunon Asogli

By : cd on 29 Mar 2021, 11:24     |     Source: citinewsroom

Sunon Asogli

The safety department of Sunon Asogli Power Plant is admonishing businesses, especially in the power sector to work to improve safety at their workplaces.

According to the company it hasn’t recorded any workplace-related causalities since its establishment, a fete it believes was accomplished by strict adherence to its safety protocols.

In an interview with Citi Business News, Emmanuel Enos-Edu, Health and Safety Engineer at Sunon Asogli indicated that the role of safety at workplaces cannot be overstated especially in the difficult COVID-19 times.

“When it comes to safety I can confidently say that we have a zero record of injury since the plant started. Concerning the construction, what we do is we do a daily tools bulk stock for our contractors to make sure that we make them go through that process and when we are talking about the safety of tools, bulk stock is a process where every morning we take them through safety and give them safety talks before we go on the job, so we ensure that everybody understands what they are doing, the type of job and the type of risk that they will be facing and by that process, we have been able to ensure that nobody gets injured on the job.”

He further added that “When it comes to the pandemic, we are asking that businesses should follow the protocols and what we have done after the lockdown for ourselves as Asogli power, we were locked down here for almost 9 months, and we ensured that we observed all the protocols and one thing we also want businesses to do is to also focus and ensure that the COVID-19 protocols are observed”.

Sunon Asogli Power (Ghana) Limited is jointly owned by Shenzhen Energy Group Company Ltd (shares 60%) and the China African Development Fund (shares 40%) that began operations in 2010.

The power station was the first privately-owned electricity generation installation in the country. The project is a 560 MW modern, highly efficient, environmentally friendly, natural gas fuel combine cycle power plant situated on a 50-acre land at Tema, Accra.

The company is currently considering plans to venture into renewable energy with a total energy generation of 185MW from a solar project at Dawa, a wind project at Ada and also a waste to power project.