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GHALCA Elections: Incumbent Kudjoe Fianoo reveals ground-breaking policy document

By : cd on 17 Jan 2021, 01:44     |     Source: ghanasoccernet


Ghana League Clubs Association (GHALCA) chairman Kudjoe Fianoo has revealed his policy document as he seeks a second term bid.

The former Ghana FA Executive Council member has been touting his achievements in the last four years which was largely rocked by two misfortunes – the Anas expose and Covid-19 pandemic.

In the midst of the major stumbling blocks, his tenure demonstrated leadership by spearheading a financial assistance to clubd during the pandemic.

Mr Fianoo has detailed his achievements and vision for the welfare body if he re-elected for a second term.

Below his Kudjoe Fianoo’s game-changing policy document for the elections:

Introduction As we prepare to go to the polls to elect new officers to steer the affairs of the Ghana League Clubs Association (GHALCA), it is imperative to give a brief account of my stewardship and also give an insight into my plans for the Association if l am given the nod by members.


Refurbishment of GHALCA Secretariat

Upon assumption of office, my administration swiftly implemented a policy of retooling and refurbishing the Secretariat to bring it to appreciable working level. Today, the GHALCA Secretariat boasts of a more professional outlook. It is work in progress as the implementation of this policy shall continue -God willing- in my next administration to ensure that the Secretariat maintains and improves its standards and working environment.2. Improved Competitions GHALCA under my leadership launched an innovative version of the annual “President’s Cup.” This innovation saw the revival of regional local derbies across the country. It also saw the hosting of the grand final game between Hearts Of Oak and Asante Kotoko – for the first time in the history of this organisation outside the capital, Accra.

Under my leadership, the hitherto Top 4 Competition was expanded to G6 to accommodate the Champion and Runner-Up of the FA Cup. The G6 Competition was eventually expanded to G8 to give opportunities to newly promoted clubs from Division One, to test their wits and prepare adequately ahead of their campaigns in the Elite Division. It is gratifying to note that Dawu-based Dreams FC (then a Division One Club) won the maiden edition of the tournament.

Normalisation Era

GHALCA played a leading role during the period of Normalisation of Ghana football. The football fraternity converged under the umbrella of this Association to convey its grievances and views on issues to relevant authorities. GHALCA, under my leadership during this period, became the sole mouthpiece and conveyor vehicle for the football fraternity to communicate its views mainly to the Normalisation Committee, the Sports Ministry, the Parliamentary Select Committee on Sports and the Presidency. It will be recalled that GHALCA was the body that stood in for Clubs when the Normalisation Committee threatened to withdraw the NC Competition over disagreements with members. GHALCA was also the vehicle used to get alternative views of the football fraternity considered during the formulation of the new Statutes of the Ghana Football Association. COVID-19 Relief Package

Through the critical support offered by the GHALCA Executives to the leadership of the Ghana Football Association, the football fraternity was able to present a good and convincing case to solicit financial support from Government to mitigate the biting effects occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic. With the support from Government, Premier League Clubs are to benefit from a financial support of GHc100,000 each, of which the first half of GHc50,000 has already been paid. Efforts are still ongoing to secure some support for clubs in the Division One League.It will be recalled that through this effective relationship between GHALCA and the GFA, the National Youth Authority (NYA) for the first time in the history of Ghana football announced and have been implementing a financial support package for players in the Women’s Premier League.

The Ghana League Clubs Association (GHALCA) was set up primarily to seek the welfare of clubs in Ghana. This vision has manifested in various ways over the years. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic in the present day has presented new challenges for Clubs around the world. The current situation, especially in Ghana warrants a larger focus on the welfare of Clubs and this is exactly what is going to be the focal point of my next administration as Chairman of GHALCA. PLANS FOR THE FUTURE

Forming A Strong Advocacy Group

The next GHALCA Administration under my leadership will set up a serious Advocacy Group which will bring together experts in various fields of interests and expertise that will engage key stakeholders such as the relevant Government agencies and Corporate Ghana in securing tailored-measured products for clubs. Areas of focus here include, but not limited to how to secure permanent direct Government support, banking and pension schemes, corporate and infrastructural support.Government

One of the proposals my next administration intends to pursue vigorously is to engage the relevant Government agencies in reviewing the tax regimes imposed on football clubs especially in areas of gate proceeds and import duties. One very direct relief the State can offer especially in this COVID-19 pandemic era is to help ease the financial burden on clubs occasioned by the regular 17.5% imposed on sale of tickets for matches as tax and also the exorbitant charges in duties for the importation of sports equipment. It is my strong belief that this serious Advocacy Group will present to the relevant bodies a very unique and workable alternative that will ultimately boost revenue for the State.Government Infrastructure

My Executive will also engage agencies of State-owned facilities especially with the construction of the multipurpose sports facilities across all the Regions of Ghana to make them compliant with International Club Licensing Requirements and also to engage on structured and mutually beneficial modalities on their use. This is also another way of the State’s direct support and investment in Clubs. It is however very important to have standardised and mutually beneficial procedures in the use of these facilities to ensure maximum benefits are derived for all stakeholders.Corporate Engagements

One very critical task my Executive will execute is to look to make a strong case to targeted corporate institutions such as banks, insurance and pension scheme providers in formulating specific products that cater and satisfy the unique needs and challenges of our members. Discussions with the banks for instance can hover around securing industry-friendly facilities for our members that take into account the distinctive nature of the businesses of members. Insurance companies will also be engaged to formulate specific packages and products for Clubs, just as pertains with life, business and motor policies. The aim of my next Administration is also to secure the future of our members Clubs and their employees by securing, once again, industry-specific products from pension scheme operators that consider and address the peculiar needs of our industry. This Advocacy Group will also explore possibilities of securing mutually beneficial partnerships with corporate bodies for the benefit of our members.International Partnerships

It is imperative for the next GHALCA administration to think outside the box by seeking external cooperations, mainly with International Clubs Associations. We intend to tap into the vast experience and expertise of well-established League Clubs Associations across the globe for the benefit of our members, especially in the area of education and capacity building programs and also in areas of technological and infrastructural enhancements.This will be achieved through negotiations and securing of International Cooperation Agreements with International League Clubs Associations. These agreements will incorporate modules such as exchange programs, education, capacity building and technological advancements and also infrastructural and logistical development. We intend to leverage on our effective and cordial relationship with the Ghana Football Association to spearhead this agenda of securing International Cooperation. Relevance Of GHALCA

My next administration shall introduce structures to make the Association relevant and attractive to its members. We shall rebrand the Association to make members proud to belong to.To achieve this goal, a holistic look will be taken at our Constitution which was last reviewed comprehensively almost a decade ago.

Our annual Congresses are no longer going to be mere talkshops. At the end of every Congress, resolutions and communiques will be passed to the relevant authorities for redress.

Admission Of Women Football Clubs Into GHALCA One of the highlights of my next administration is to formalize the admission of Women Football Clubs into the Association.