The Ghana Health Service has confirmed three more cases of the novel coronavirus in Ghana, sending the number of active cases to 24.
“Among the confirmed cases, 17 are of Ghanaian nationality and seven other nationals namely: Norway, Lebanon, China, France, UK,” the GHS said in an update.
One person has died from the disease in Ghana; a Kumasi-based Lebanese trader.
According to the health officials, the 61-year-old had “underlying chronic pulmonary condition prior to having COVID-19.”
Read the full update from the GHS
As of 22 March 2020, 14:00 Hr. a total of 315 suspected cases have been tested for COVID-19 by Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR) and Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research (KCCR).
Twenty-four (24) of these have been confirmed at the laboratory as COVID-19. Twenty-three of the confirmed cases are receiving treatment in isolation and one (1) of the cases who had underlying chronic pulmonary condition prior to having COVID-19 has died.
Among the confirmed cases, seventeen (17) are of Ghanaian nationality and seven (7) other nationals namely: Norway, Lebanon, China, France, UK.
With regards to contact tracing, a total of 575 contacts have been identified and are being tracked.
One (1) of the contacts developed symptoms and has been confirmed positive.
All the other twenty-three (23) confirmed cases are being managed in isolation; and are doing well on treatment