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Business & Analysis

GRA introduces iTaPS: All you need to know about it

By : Kofi Kafui Sampson on 20 Sep 2019, 12:43


The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has introduced an electronic App, called the Integrated Tax Application and Preparation System (iTaPS) that will help advance the quality of tax returns submitted by taxpayers.

In an interview with the Commissioner for Domestic Tax Revenue Division (DTRD), Mr Patrick Frimpong – Danso revealed that about 60% of Small and Medium Enterprises in Ghana are unable to keep proper records of their businesses.

He added for businesses to file proper returns, there is a need for proper record keeping.

Mr Frimpong – Danso stated that the electronic App, iTaPS will help all Small and Medium Enterprises to keep accurate records for proper returns, and also reduce the cost and times required by taxpayers to comply with tax laws.

He said about 64% of the same group lack the skills to complete their tax returns.

He added that iTaPS will assist taxpayers to keep proper records required to fulfill their tax obligations.

“iTaPS will help you so that all the calculations that you do on your taxes will be correct. When you use iTaPS to prepare your returns, you are not going to underpay or overpay your tax”

“We have what we call personal income tax. The personal income tax is for two categories of people. One of those who are paying are employees of companies. So at the end of the year, what will happen  is that it will calculate everything you for base on your income”

Mr Frimpong-Danso explained that the ITAPS will help improve Ghana’s ranking on the ease of doing business report and the cost of compliance.

“It is going to improve upon our ranking ease of doing business. That is the major thing we are going to achieve. It is also going to bring more confidence in the country. It makes paying taxes so easier and transparent. So these are some of the things that iTaPS is going to do, and most businesses want to see those things when you talk to taxpayers”

Once iTaPS is free of charge that will help you complete your tax, why not make good of it” he urged, adding, “We are bringing our services to the doorstep of our payer.”

Explaining the Phases of iTaPS

An Officer of the Commissioner for Domestic Tax Revenue Division (DTRD), Mr. Patrick Frimpong – Danso explained that the iTaPS has three phases that will help improve the quality of tax returns.

According to him, the first phase was deployed in April 2019 for personal income taxpayers.

“The phase one allows you as an individual or as an employee to go to iTaPS and then register on the portal. You know portal registration you go through some requirement. Once you are done, you can use the iTaPS to prepare your personal income tax returns annually and submit. And if you have payment, it can also allow you to make payment online” he explained.

For the second phase, he said the iTaPS will focus on tax clearance certificate in November this year.

“What is going to happen is that, when you apply for Tax Clearance Certificate, you go to iTaPS online, you apply it and you will receive the TCC”

In the third phase, he explained that people without android phones will be given the opportunity to use their Yam Phones for easy tax returns.

Response from citizens

Mr Friompong – Danso said about 5,983  individuals have registered on the portal for the phase one, adding that those who submitted their returns are about 5,872.